What are the dos and don’ts of lawn irrigation?
What are some common mistakes homeowners make in regards to irrigation?
What is the preferred method of lawn irrigation?
What are some of the most cost-efficient ways to properly irrigate your lawn?
When are the best times to water your lawn?
How do tree roots affect lawn irrigation?
How long do you need to keep the mud moist?
Can I water my lawn too much?
Should I add anything to the water to stimulate growth?
Should I water in the morning or at night?
What is the best watering schedule once I have my lawn installed?
How do you know which sod is right for you?
What are some of the most common types of sod?
Where is the best place to find sod?
What is normally the first step in preparing the site for sod?
Does the area need to be tilled or can it be heavily raked?
What are some common procedures to installing sod?
Should the soil be drained before you lay down the sod?
How do you determine how much fill you need?
When and how should I do my first fertilization?
What is the next step in making sure the sod grows to its full potential?
Does the lawn need to be fertilized immediately?
Where are some common places to learn about maintaining your lawn?
How soon after the sod is placed can the area be used for activity?
How soon should I begin mowing or performing maintenance on my lawn?
I have noticed brown spots in my yard. What could this be caused by?
Does grass have a dormancy period?
How will my mowing practices affect my lawn?